Another BLIP meet

Look who we met today………………..'WalkingMarj' 

We first met ‘WalkingMarj’ at our big 'Edinburgh Blip Meet' and we’ve been following her ever since.  Today we met her at ‘Corbridge’ for lunch as we were en-route to Edinburgh.

Whenever I go on a ‘BLIP meet’ Ann gives me a lecture about being on my very bestest behaviour. 

Today she said, ‘Molly, we will probably take you for a little walk along the river.  I DO NOT want you to go splishing and splashing and sploshing.  We are going for lunch at the 'Golden Lion' so you need to stay clean.  If you disobey me and go wallowing in the river 'WalkingMarj' will tell everyone in BLIPLAND what a disobedient collie you are.’

Well do you know what?..........................  We met 'WalkingMarj' in the car park by the river and she gave me a packet of treats.  So then I knew that ‘WalkingMarj’ really liked me.  (Thank you ‘WalkingMarj, I’ve just had one after my dinner and it was very scrummy yummy xx.)   And when Ann reluctantly let me off my lead on our river walk I immediately went zooming into the water for a good old wallow. 

Ann was very angry a little bit cross with me.  WalkingMarj wasn’t.

After our walk, off we went to the 'Golden Lion' for lunch.  The humans had HUGE sandwiches and chips.  WalkingMarj is a very nice pet owner. She took the remains of her ham sandwich home for her cats and she also gave me two bonio biscuits.  Ann just ignored me and gobbled up all of her beef sandwich???????

WalkingMarj – we love you.  Ann is ‘well jel’ of all the lovely walks you go on without a gorgeous collie and all your hols.  It was lovely to see you again xxx

…………….And now we are in Edinburgh & Ann has 4 days of eating & drinking planned.  But she’s promised to take me on ‘mega’ long walks in between all her eating & drinking.  YAY!!!

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