Wednesday: Meat Fest

I was at a lunch today where all the food had been pre-ordered.  In addition to this, we had another three, very similar, platters on the table (I should add that there were 19 of us).  It was at this point, when the food arrived, that someone thought to ask: 'Can I just check that we don't have any vegetarians?'.  Bit late to check, I would say.

Today was a very busy day.  I also discovered that it is not possible to be in two places at the same time.  I was invited to event A but also had to attend event B.  In the midst of event A, I realised that I wasn't going to be able to get away to attend event B so I had to get my colleague to go instead.  And, in the midst of all this, there was rather a delicate issue that had to be sorted (not linked to event A or B)...........

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