a year of blips

So, it is accomplished. The question mark and the water remain, this time the water is from the high heavens falling onto Glasgow streets. The question mark quickly scribbled on the steamy window of the bus home.It remains, it endures.
I wondered where I was bound and, a year down the line, I am as clueless now as I was then. For a question suggests an answer and, clearly, there is no answer. Well there is no one big answer.
 Each day, though, there are a hundred little questions, little decisions about how I am going to connect with each moment as it arises. I find so much of my answers to these to be 'no'. I need to get to 'yes' more often. In the wee questions in the day I just need to say yes and accept the shape of the day more often. No leads to arguing with what is. No leads to suffering. No leads to unpleasantness, Yes is a pleasant country.

Thank you to all you gorgeous people who were kind to me in your comments. Such wonderful photographs, such enriching words, such kind hearts.


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