Normally the school Carneval is postponed at least once through bad weather. This year it went ahead on the first time of asking. CarbBoy was going to go in his kilt, etc, but on hearing that no-one else was wearing national costume (their theme this year is 'the world') he became somewhat sulky about that and wanted to go as a cowboy. So he won. (But only after I'd checked that we had the relevant gear so no last minute shopping trips were involved.) The John Wayne walk was all his own work.
Some parents go dressed up too, but Mr B's only outfit possibility was his kilt, and that only if I could find enough large safety pins to hold it together in safety. The original (1996) buckles falling somewhat short of current girth requirements... Anyway, the thought of Mr B spending three hours in woolen garments in the burning hot sun with the constant worry that said garments were going to tumble to the ground and answer all the French kids' questions about what you wear under a kilt... was too much to bear. So we just sat in the garden complaining about the heat instead.
Then off to school with a stack of pancakes for post-Carneval snacking and lots of chat about our plans for the garden. Fingers crossed for tomorrow's digging session, but so far lots of parents seem really keen.
Later, some more sitting in the garden, a long call with Mam and duck Shepherds pie from Mr B. Now Top Gear with the kids, and explaining to the kids why having a 'fracas' with your producer might be a problem.
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