Rear window
Most of the morning was spent feeling anxious about not getting to the market before it closed, as the girls slept late and then there were pancakes, showers and hair drying to be done. But turns out the market is open much later than I expected (though they do run out of stuff).
Lunch, lounging, then off to riding - A's first time on a horse. Because she's not registered at the club, she had to be on a lead rein at all times (insurance company rules) but she seemed to have a fine time - with her own personal tutor who spoke some English and a few words of Spanish and had TallGirl translate anything else important. Here, after a long session in the manege, they're off for a little stroll around the countryside. I do like this view.
Tonight might have been (backblipping - fuzzy memory) the night we watched the Lego movie, which went down well.
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