Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Fresh Oysters Again

It's been a beautiful sunny day. After C's friend left this afternoon, we drove down Chuckanut Drive to get some fresh oysters at Taylor Shellfish Farms.

The drive is very scenic, but it's not wise for the driver to be admiring the view without pulling into one of the parking areas. The road is high above the water, and is very narrow, with many sharp bends hugging sheer rocky slopes.

There's another hazard to be negotiated before gaining access to the shellfish farm -- a railroad crossing uncomfortably close to a tunnel. Two very long trains went by during the half hour we were there. You can see C lurking in this train photo while she blipped me.

It's not for the faint-hearted, but the rewards are great. After admiring the view, we bought a dozen Shigoku oysters in the shell, and a pint (16 oz.) of small shucked Pacific oysters. I shucked the Shigokus when we got home, and we ate them with a little lemon juice and some white wine for an appetizer.

Now I have to decide how to cook the Pacifics for the main course.

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