Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

History and Future of Transportation...

...brought to you by Greyhound Bus Lines, circa 1945.

The building that houses the Copper Hog, one of our favorite pubs, was originally the Bellingham bus depot, and still has relics of its past. This promotional display is one of them.

The Hog, as it's affectionately referred to by its clientele, calls itself a gastropub, a title we think is well deserved. The calamari we ate there this evening was outstanding. Localfoodlover will probably give you a detailed description, and possibly a photo. The ginger and cayenne chocolate torte we shared was also memorable. Here's LFL taking a photo of it.

We started our early outing at the Kulshan Brewing Company, where we had a pint and some food from the Ciao Thyme Taco Truck. I was talking to Jim the bartender about the Cascade Brewing sour beers we enjoyed on our recent trip to Portland, and he mentioned that the Hog had a Cascade sour on tap.

We left after a decent interval -- we kept running into friends -- and were delighted to find that there was still some Strawberry Sour in the keg. That's one of the few sours that Cynthia enjoys as much as I do.

It was a very good day!

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