
For quite a while, I've wanted to go to the St. Petersburg Museum of Art. Only one thing kept me from going. 17 DOLLARS...17 DOLLARS TO GET IN THE DOOR!!!

Except on Thursdays at 5 p.m., when you can get in for 5 dollars. For 5 bucks...I'm there.

A critique? It was nice, but I think I'm a little spoiled by the Ringling Museum of Art. Plus, as with most museums...the lighting for taking pictures was not good. On my Flickr page are just a couple shots inside the museum, some big bronze pieces that were on the sidewalk, and some sunset pictures.

I'm watching The Green Mile for the 46th time (only half-joking), and I'm about to make me some popcorn.

The lamp was made in 1906, making it 109 years old. Very colorful.

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