Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Tiffany and Arthur posing in the kitchen.

I enjoyed a pleasant Saturday in Accrington, shopping, banking, and volunteering at One Planet.
The weather is Wintry cold but dry and cloudy.
Paul brought me home, and after a while, has kindly driven to York to bring Maria and her friend Izzy home.
Maria has a month Easter holiday from university. and plenty of revision to study, before the exams when term begins again after Easter.
Tiffany has been repeatedly sick over the passed few days.
He has brought back a lot of his food, so we are planning to offer him just I ams cat biscuits and water, instead of moist cat food.
Any useful tips about how any of you have coped with a sick cat, please help. We are trying to avoid an expensive visit to the vet.
He remains in very cheerful spirit.
I hope you all enjoy a Happy Mothering Sunday.
I am hoping we have a get together with my son, Greg and his family tomorrow.

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