
Zeke proved himself to be the most wonderful clothes shopping partner this afternoon - he was happy to wait around in shops and changing rooms while I mooched about considering various items. Later, we went to meet Mr B and Eve in a cafe and Eve said "shush Mummy, we're not supposed to talk about the secret picture". Later, after a jaunt to M&S she said "you'll like the breakfast pancakes Mummy". Mr B was unimpressed as he'd apparently only muttered something about possibly making pancakes when he'd discovered they were all out of pastries. Most amusing.

I think Mothering Sunday is the hardest occasion so far post-Mum. The run up has involved much sobbing for my cherished Polly Parrett. Tomorrow will be the first time since I don't know when that I haven't cooked something for her and the Grandmas.... painful. But I am grateful to have had the world's most amazing Mummy (yes, oodles better than yours (unless you're one of my siblings)) and to be a Mummy too.

Tomorrow will come, tomorrow will go and Eve is unlikely to learn to keep secrets for quite some time.

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