Clutter (again)

I had a surprisingly quiet day lined up, today, at least up until after lunch when Dan finished drama, so I thought I'd spend the morning tidying up. Start with the living room, then do the kitchen and finish off with the bathroom: that was my plan.

The main challenge with the living room was that all of the flat surfaces - including, in this case, the floor - were covered with stuff: books, CDs, post, DVDs, paperwork, packages, bags with unknown contents, boxes and precarious piles of items that were , presumably, awaiting promotion to a bag or box.

I spent some time with a coffee in my hand wondering where to start. In the end I decided that I'd put everything on the table, put everything that that should - or, more desperately - could be thrown away into a bin liner and then find a place to put everything that was left.

And, actually, I did pretty well; a two-thirds full bin liner of stuff to be thrown away, and most stuff put away. OK, there's a load of stuff on the sofa to go down to the cellar and then bureau was refilled in a fairly disorganised way but, hey, the living room is TIDY. Unlike the kitchen and bathroom; it all took a bit longer than expected.

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