This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

Today we got up earlish and headed out to Winslow. First stop fried pie shop. I had an order to pick up some fried pies. My Dad has Lemon and Apple, Mom has Blackberry and I have a Lemon. Stewart is restrained and has none. At my parent's house, we chat for a while and then head out to a car meet further down the road. Some beautiful cars are all parked in a field on top of the mountain. While my Mom chats with an old friend and Stewart is busy making new ones I take a minute to take in the view.

Later we return to my parents for lunch and the best strawberry shortcake ever. We return to Fayetteville around 5pm and pop into a bar that I have deemed an acceptable substitute for my old haunt, the jukebox bar. It is not a perfect fit and it is no Barony but on a Saturday afternoon it will do. It was a lovely day.

Tomorrow we have tickets to see some experimental theatre.

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