This Too Will Vanish...

By etherghost

I was so excited to remember that it was the debut of the new Arrested Development on Netflix. A show that was abruptly cancelled a while back- anyway, it was a big deal to have it return with the entire original cast and streaming one right after the other on netflix so armed with my free one month membership I knew what my Sunday had in store.

I cleaned the bedroom and washed the dishes- I wanted to enjoy my sofa tv day with no guilt so everything had to be in it's right place. Then I went and got snacks for the event- mostly healthy and way on sale (way to go me!) and settled in for laughter and it was wonderful.

Later Stewart and I went for a walk and it was football crazy outside. I called a man an ass on Leith walk. I know I probably should have said arse, but where I come from he was being a complete ass. I hope he contemplates that he was seen behaving badly. Personally, I cried all the way up the street after the exchange. A young man was walking down the street towards us and as he was mostly done with his cigarette he smugly and purposely flicked it towards and hit a young female beggar sitting on the street. I saw it unfold before me and called him on it. I hate confrontation but I was sad for her and sad that this ass thinks that his behavior was even remotely okay. I can't stand knowing people like that are out there doing harm. I know they are but I usually don't see them. Bubble burst.

Anyway, that was at the start of our walk, eventually I shook it off and we had a lovely walk in the evening air- I could hear the football fans chanting well into the night. A mob of them on the corner at Robbies pub on Leith. You can't see them from my window shot- but I know they are there.

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