Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Saturday, March 14, 2015 -- Bitter Sweet

For most people this was Pi Day (3.1415); for the two of us this was the day we said "Goodbye" to "Snow White." A bitter sweet day. "Snow" has been my car since Oct. 1990.

When we bought her brand new, I was finishing my master's degree and had not yet been invited to teach fulltime at the college. A year ago we brought "Snow" to the Central Coast to live (mostly in the garage here).

Two evenings ago we parked her at the corner of E Street & Ocean Avenue, with "For Sale" signs in her windows. We knew lots of tourists would see her there.

Well, Snow White just sold this evening to a 16 year old, Taryn. Her daddy bought "Snow" for her. Taryn's family live across the street from the Cayucos pier, near the famous "Cass House." Taryn's dad, Josh, has lived in Cayucos all his life (40 yrs). So, "Snow" will be hanging out in Cayucos, and during the week, parked at Morro Bay High School; she'll be a surfer girl! And that's pretty cool!

I guess most people don't get attached to their cars, but Snow had been taking me places for almost 25 years! I think I need a piece of pie.

Good night from the Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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