Mother flippin Mothers Day Stuff

I sat on the back step with a cup of tea really early this morning, while everyone was sleeping, and listened to the woodpeckers going about their very important springtime business. They've never nested so close to the house before.

When Tess appeared we headed off to hand over the Scottish Parliament Chocolates and clootie dumpling to the SNP's newest member, my mum. "First time I've been a card carrying party member in all my life".

Leaving Granda to have breakfast in peace, the three of us had an impromptu visit to the International Market, which should really be called the "Sweet pastries that are probably better than Greig's and endless scarves that look the same" market. With wallets diminished only by a wee pen set for Tess, we recovered from our 20 minute shopping trip with a cafe pit stop.

Back home with G'Ma, and then onto a surprisingly easy bed shopping excursion with Tess who saw something straight away that was the cheapest in the shop (hoorah). Late lunch at the world's dullest furniture shop, then home for some major jungle attacking in the back garden and a cuddle from sprog no. 1, returning from his sleepover.

A make your own Mother's Day Mother's Day. Thanks to Tess for taking, and managing to persuade Cameraphobic G'Ma to appear in, this picture.

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