
Today's the day ........................... for exotic wildlife

My sister-in-law Margaret and I went for a walk over Corstorphine Hill in Edinburgh today.

From the top, there are wonderful views over most of Edinburgh from the Pentlands to the Forth - and it's a popular place to go to walk the dog.  There are lots of birds singing in the trees that are just beginning to show signs of spring growth.  All in all - it's just the place to go for a Sunday morning stroll.

It's only when you look over the wall, that things go a bit peculiar.  You're not sure whether your eyes are playing tricks on you because surely those can't really be zebras grazing in the field?  Then with a sigh of relief, you remember that Edinburgh Zoo is just over the hill.

So it's also the place to go for a free look at some exotic wildlife ............................     

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