
By dwalletta

Man of Constant Sorrow

Donald is a native of the Isle of Lewis who has lived in Leith for the last thirty years. When I asked if I could take his photo, on account of his beard, he dolefully told me it would be the death of him. He didn't elaborate, and I didn't ask. 
In other news, daughter came up with a cracking Mother's Day gift - a date with George Clooney. He's fundraising for a local homelessness charity by offering himself up as a dinner date in Edinburgh for some lucky lady - me! Remarkably, all she had to do was hand over a fiver. I'm polishing my best tiara as we speak.
Finally, I've tried putting my hands over my ears and pretending it's not happening, but it really does look like the Bliposphere is in big trouble. From what I can make out, the silence is because of legal gagging restrictions, and the only way it will keep going is if someone buys it from Polaroid/Joe/whoever currently holds the shares, possibly for a nominal amount like £1. 
What they'll be buying will mostly be debt - all the membership fees and 365 books we have paid for, but not yet received. I can't see what assets there are apart from Blip's good name and possibly advertising revenue going forward, but that has to be in doubt given what's happened.
So - it would have to be bought by someone who cares. Assuming I'll not be able to persuade George to cough up, I could put in a tenner if anybody else is interested?


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