For the family

By RonaMac

Pregnant elephant?

This is one of the few things I brought back from holiday this time, now that I have a vehicle (Blip) as my memory bank, I don't feel the need for things to occupy a parking space!!

Street vendors, hawkers, whatever name you use for the many people trying to earn a living on the streets, can be a pest when you are trying to get about on holiday and the system our travel guide used worked well.

We were encouraged to be aware of what was on offer, but not to engage in conversation, bartering etc when we were on the move. Having visited all the places before, she knew what was local to that area and when we got back on to the coach she would get items to show us and negotiate a sensible price along with our local tour guide who knew the language (a bit of win / win, no rip offs).

When we visited Sarnath a boy was running round after us with this elephant, calling "elephant cheap....only 80 US dollars"!!!! When we got on the coach I asked the guide to find out what it was worth and bought it for 100 Indian rupees (about £1.20, less than a US dollar). The benefit of this scheme is that I wouldn't have haggled and bought it off the street and most of the women on the coach bought one, so increased their sales!!

I've been a woman on a mission today, home alone, determined to complete my back blips. Several hours and endless cups of coffee later I have finished!!!!! ;0)
For ease of perusal for those who are interested, these are the pages. Enjoy!

New Delhi, Humayun's Tomb
Jama Masid
Taj Mahal
8.15 Agra to Jhansi
Khajuraho's Temples
Sunrise on the Ganges
From India to Nepal
Women at work
Testing the water
Insect...species unknown
Durbar Square, Kathmandu

Thanks for calling by.

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