Mono Monday - Corners - written permission needed

I enjoy the occasional Blip challenges to take a photograph that fits into a theme - today's being "corners." It makes me think about what I am going to photograph before I go out, which contrasts with my usual approach, just deciding where to go and hoping something will turn up.

Today, I thought of the underpass at a local railway station, where there are staircases up to the platforms and all sorts of angles amongst the stones, the signs, the barriers, the handrails.

After taking about three shots, the chap from the ticket office appeared.

"Can I ask who you are?

"I'm just taking some photographs."

"You need permission to take photographs on railway property, written permission."

"Since when?"

"Since forever."

"And the amount I have paid in fares over the years counts for nothing does it?

"Look, I don't make the rules."

It is ages since I had an argument with someone about the "right" to take photographs. I feel renewed. I am now thinking about entering into a correspondence with Railtrack about this. I may point out that, at a major mainline station on Saturday, I saw hundreds of people using their smartphones to photograph arriving or departing friends and family, stag party participants in fancy dress and themselves, using selfie sticks. I will enquire whether they all had written permission and, if so, from whom.

PS - since entering this blip, I found the relevant part of the Network Rail website.  It seems we are allowed to take photographs at railway stations. I'm looking forward to buying my next ticket.

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