
By TexMama


This is the giant patch of mainly white flowering weeds on one side of my house...you can just make out my daffs in the background.  
I had gone out to take a picture of them actually, and I have a shot with the daffs in focus which I liked, but this one I just liked better in the end.
These little flowers are just grass weeds but they are so beautiful...if you can keep all the men with their mowers inside :0)  several of my neighbours have already mown down their pretty purple weeds, and Mr Tex would have done the same had I not gone out and done an angry dance in front of the lawn mower.  

I see in the forum & comments this morning that blip has indeed gone into liquidation for any blipfriends that hadn't heard already.  I have set up a plan B on 365, but will definitely not be leaving blip unless it vanishes, so am mirroring my blip journal for now so as not to lose touch with my blipfriends should the worst happen.  Perhaps we'll have some news soon.

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