
By TexMama

Technical Difficulties

Today seems to have been filled with technical difficulties...
-this morning when I was trying to look at some monitors that I want to buy, the website I was using had a 'technical' problem all of a sudden
-the internet fell to dial-up speeds
-Littleman's farming game was not displaying correctly - and he was not a happy little farmer - but when I tried to fix it all the gremlins were set loose and my whole display resolution went crazy (I had to walk away from it and do something else - but I did just finally come back and fix that)
-the printer stopped talking to the computer while Sweetgirl was trying to print - and I was trying to cook dinner - I finally figured out she pressed something on the printer (ugh)
-the printer is complaining it is running out of the pink ink, which I swear I just replaced about 2 weeks ago!!!  
-my lovely ssd was in the 'red' again (getting too full) - I did some moving of stuff to the hdd and reminded myself that I really do need to put a 2nd ssd in there...the kids run all their games from it and I have windows running from there too - and there is a constant stream of new games being added every time one of them has some money to burn :0)

Enough technical problems for today....perhaps I'll leave it turned off all day tomorrow :0)

Other than that, I mowed - a lot...back garden, front garden and the front field...
-it took too long
-my fingers hurt - from holding the steering handle-things too tight on the rough ground
-I had grass in my eyes
-My ears were buzzing (I think I need to wear some of those noise things)
-I hit a downed tree branch that was under some long grass - thunk!
...and a rather heavy metal water meter cover (oops)
-I got hit by too many spiky tree branches
-Dropped my handy dandy bungee cord waaay in the back of the field
-I saw a rat!!!
..(Avoided the piece of wood that I found a snake under last week though)...

But it looks better - and the kids can get out to their clubhouse without meeting any snakes now I hope

Enough of my grumbling - I think I'll be off to bed.  

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