Gitama's World

By Gitama

Hey! Wheres Blip Going?

I thought this a perfect image of Rumi (who is still scratching by the way) looking out to the horizon as if looking for the answer to this mystery which is our wonderful Blip going into liquidation.

There is such a sadness inside about this for many reasons not the least being for Joe and crew who have worked so hard for this new and improved blip only to have it snatched away before it really reaching its must be so disappointing and painful.
There are many of you I consider my friends and have had it in the back of my mind that when my ship comes in I would love to travel to your neck of the woods to meet and share a bit of time.... a photo shoot and a glass of wine/cup of tea...a chat about life...perhaps.      I will miss you here. 
Many are moving over to many of you will meet up there again....perhaps I will move over too.......I will stay here until the end though.
......if you ever get the inclination  you can always reach me via FB Gitama Day...........or my email to remember really.

Upon reflection what a most brilliant site this has been....what a brilliant bunch of folk.........we have shared so much of our lives together...our pain our joys....births ...deaths ....marriages.. some ripper yarns and last but not least some of the best pics Ive seen.
I often look at photo comps...the winners and finalists and think 'oooooh! so and so ( a friend from blip) did such a better job...I reckon they would of won if they would of entered. (YES YES! I know it's a bit of a wicked thing to say....I'm a Rat Bag...I know it and people have called me that often)...but what to say its true I do think that often.
I have been inspired...pushed....supported through some tough times (I've always had to go out for a blip when Ive felt like I've been knocking at deaths door).
I could go on and wax lyrical about your virtues and the virtues of blip ....but funny enough the site is still up for now (I will be backing up) and as someone wise said once and I don't for the life of me know who it is



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