Day 4 Up Early

I did get up early today………to go for the sunrise.
The sky was full of cloud and I was wondering if I was going to see that shiny face.
There was very little colour but I have to say the dramatic clouds made up for its lack.
Again there was no one around…so I had the whole aft of the boat to myself.
I set up my tripod and practised some time lapse just to see how it would look being shot on a boat.
Well so far I don’t think I will be winning any Oscars but it was fun and there was something quite lovely listening to the camera clicking away whilst I was all about taking other shots with my fisheye.
It was another day of rest and a bit more exploration.
Tomorrow is the highlight of the trip for me…we will be cruising around the Sounds (Fiords)..this has been on my bucket list for so long I can hardly believe that finally I have arrived.
My exploration has led me to what I think will be the perfect place to spend witnessing the beauty of the Sounds…and the best part it will be a perfect place for Dad too…we can watch together.
Now its time to turn in …I really want to be up early…..cameras packed …got my hat and jacket…all set.
AN: Jaiya if you get to read this I have tried emailing you but silly bloody thing won’t go through..I will try to ring in a couple of days…the sounds are absolute magic……(we have been sailing through the mists of Avalon)…give the little man a kiss from Nanny and Rumi too……..Love to the Holly Hocks.

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