A nosey chipmunk

Can you spot him?  His is was probably feeling safe since he blended in so well with his surroundings. 
This little guy was too busy watching the birds to notice me taking his picture.  Chipmunks are usually so fast that they are nearly impossible to get a photo of.  I waited forever for him to turn around but a profile was the best I could do. 
I wanted to let everyone know that I have signed up on 365 Project (just in case) under Cara725.  I am hoping things will work out with Blipfoto and that someone buys the company to keep things running.  If not, I certainly don't want to loose touch with the wonderful people that I've gotten to know while being a member of Blipfoto.  For anyone who cares to keep in touch, I am also on Facebook under Cara Trimboli-Kaminsky and my email is [email="cara725@gmail.com"]cara725@gmail.com[/email].  If things don't work out with Blip, I hope to see many of you on 365 Project. 
For the time being, I will remain optimistic and hope to see you all right here tomorrow.  :-)

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