Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Hopefully the drugs do work

Woke up to phone the doctor and get an appointment. Back to bed till the afternoon when I had to go to the doc’s. Finally managed to get some penicillin to get rid of this cold. Home for a night on the sofa again.
Seems that the rumours are true and Blipfoto has gone into liquidation. As a result I’m not sure how many more of these blips there will be. Hopefully someone will come along and buy them out. Not sure what the deal with Polaroid did earlier in the year. Doesn’t exactly make we want to buy Polaroid stuff if they just go around buy out websites and then closing them after all their hype when they bought them out.

I had another 365 book ready to go as well. Would be good to be able to get that done for last year. Before the site closes.

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