
By cowgirl

Friend or Foe?

I have a feeling this is one of those nasty harlequin bugs ... still couldn't bring myself to kill it though.

Joe's update has been a relief, which was much needed as I was pretty much informed today that I will be unemployed in 8 weeks time. This will be when the fields will have dried out and the grass grown enough for the horses to be out day and night, so no mucking out needed.

I'm most gutted that I will once again have to watch what I eat, as right now the calories can't touch me!!

Have you seen the posting about an idea for a Universal Blip tomorrow? I couldn't share it on Fcbk, but have copied the text to paste here:

JOIN US TOMORROW!! MARCH 18TH! Take a photo of yourself with arms stretched wide (as if you were going to hold hands with the people next to you) and post as your blip for the day. Please make it a square photo with your hands right at the edge so when the photos are together, we will be holding hands!! Tag your image with ‪#‎blipfotoforever‬. A great show of solidarity....help us show everyone just how important Blipfoto is! Thank you Sally Ballantyne for the wonderful idea!! Spread the word...we need to get this out to everyone who blips!!

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