
By cowgirl


Busy day today somehow.

Once I'd got myself together after breakfast I started making phone calls, firstly to the owner of the house we want to buy and now can't. I thought I could hold myself together, but ended up blubbing down the phone to her.

She said they really wanted us to have the house and as they now find themselves in a position where they can't afford to move, they will probably wait a couple of years before putting it on the market again. She said she'll let me know and give me first dibs.

Then I realised it's Sav's dad's birthday on Wednesday and I hadn't reminded Sav at the weekend to sort something out for him. Then we had a short 'discussion' about the fact that I shouldn't have to do that .... Anyway, obviously the invalid couldn't get out of bed to go shopping, so I got him to sort out an idea online. He decided on the DVD ' Gravity ' and said it was cheapest at Tesco's, so off I went to get it. I also chose this card because as soon as I saw it I thought how perfect it was! Of course it's not quite how it is, I have insisted he wrote in it, so he does know we're sending it. Made us both laugh though!

The rest of the day has been spent dealing with estate agents, old and new, mortgage dealers, old and new and still sick Sav, making me feel old not new! I wish we lived in a bungalow. Still, by the time he's better, I'll be fitter!

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