Cards and Cocktails

Please can you all stop trying to save blip for a minute and pay attention to ME? If I have done my 365 times table correctly (and this is by no means assured) then today is my 3rd blipday. People know me understand that i get ever so stroppy if I dont get enough attention on my birthday, same applies to blipdays....

And of course it falls on a bloody awkward day where I only see near strangers all day and it is a misty grey, pissy kind of day. Happily as you can see I have prepared well. That classy looking drink is a mango sorbet cocktail, fresh from Tesco's freezer. Its got proper Smirnoff in it and everything. And Will produced the beautiful artwork, obvs.

OK, lovely people. No speeches today, you all know. And now you may go back to all the other big news. How very, very good to see Joe's message.

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