A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

A Storm Brewing

There is much to be positive about today.

It seems that Blip may be saved in the end, which is a huge relief to us all. Without speaking too soon, the gaffer himself has issued an encouraging notice, so fingers crossed.

And I got my residencia today, at the third attempt. Actually it was easy enough, once you knew exactly which pieces of paper they needed and had paid the relevant taxes in advance. I had all bases covered document-wise, even down to a lotto ticket and a Mercadona till receipt! But it did involve an awful lot of hanging round. Even with an appointment.

So there may be a storm coming, the wind is blowing, rain lashing down and the sea rough, but I don't care really.

It won't last long and the sun will be shining again in a day or two.

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