Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

What Now?

Just after midnight the final fireworks show of the London 2012 Olympics.
The morning after brings thoughts of "What Now?" - There's no longer 15 hours of sport a day to vegetate in front of the telly watching.
Did I realise that seventeen days ago this celebration of sporting prowess would herald probably the most inactive seventeen days of my life as I lapped up BBC's coverage?
Did I realise seventeen days ago when Mrs L asked if I was planning to watch the Opening Ceremony (which I'd forgotten about!) that I'd be simply blown away by Danny Boyle's truly inventive spectacle?
Did I think that seventeen days ago that Great Britain could put on the greatest ever Olympics and that Team GB could rise to the challenge and put in their greatest ever performances? Well to be honest, no, but hey it's time to remove those sceptical GB glasses and don GB's seriously rose tinted glasses. We delivered in spectacular style. Well done the organisers, well done the athletes and especially well done the volunteers.
So What Now?
Let's keep the rose tinted glasses - our athletes will take a well earned rest and return to their training with the promised funding still in place, the legacy of these Olympics will remain and inspire not just the next generation of athletes, but hopefully even us oldies to shed our layers of scepticism and grumpiness. Team GB isn't just about athletes - we're all members of Team GB - Go Team GB.
For me personally? Well I promise to catch up with blip. You'll be in for some interesting back-blips of me sat in front of the telly in my dressing gown! C'mon now, lose that scepticism - they will be interesting - Go Team GB.

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