Blipforever Blonde

Its often not until something is not there that you realise how special it was. Over the past few days with the rumours now confirmed that blip is in liquidation I've started to think how much i'd miss blip if it was not there.   That thing that started just as a challenge to take a photo a day a year and perhaps improve my photography has evolved into more than that a journal, a friendly place where people really do as bill and ted say and 'be excellent to each other". Its the community and the sharing of experience, photos comments, inspiration with a group of people some  I know well I the real world but may of whom I've never met but know well virtually. I'm hopeful for the future after Joe's post today I'm pretty confident blip will find a buyer and will continue.

So this is the pumpclip for my latest brew, just ready to drink has been named in honour of blip and tagged #blipforever. Its 100% pale malt, with american hops at about 30 IBU and its drinking very nicely. 

I raise a glass and toast to the good ship blip -and all who sail in her. 

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