Bright idea...

Yeah who's bright idea was this?!  Oh wait...

Seriously... there's another row on the other side but this pretty much took me all afternoon on Sunday. Who decided that reinforcing the heels on Converse was a smart idea?  Never mind that... who thought that sewing on 3mm crystals individually was a smart idea?!  

They're gonna be epic by the time I'm finished... perhaps by 2023, just in time for my 50th birthday when I'll be too fucking old to pull off Converse and I'll have my second original pair of Converse but next time I have some smart arsed, bright idea, give me a hard slap won't you?  

*face palms*

The other good news of the day is that my hair doesn't look ridiculous when it's curly. I thought maybe it was a tad on the short side and I'd look like some old dear with a bad perm but thankfully it's not quite at that stage just yet. I'm glad about this cause I really couldn't face the prospect of straightening it every day. I can't actually believe I did that for going on ten years. What a waste of time! 

I could have spent that time sewing shite on my shoes and I'd be wearing them by now. Dickhead!

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