
This seagull was unimpressed by my presence as he dropped onto the cobbles to devour what I think is an apple core. I moved an inch and he was offski!

Most of my day was spent catching up with loose ends. I'm still getting to grips with a new system we brought in before Christmas. Sadly the people in NYC who run it didn't grasp what I meant when I asked for some advice and all of the information I've put into it has been done the wrong way, even after clarifying it with them. Arse! It's taken me a long time to try and muddle through it all and put it in again. It's taken a bit of a back seat with all the event stuff but I'm all over it now. I think hope to fuck it's all sorted and I can leave Alex in charge of it while I'm away. Fingers crossed it all goes smoothly cause it's a really great system, when you don't do it wrong!

Early night beckoned. I'm surrounded by clothes in my flat trying to decide what to pack. I'm trying and I suspect failing to travel light but when you're away for the best part of a month with an aversion to doing washing it's tricky to know what to take. Not to mention I've no idea what the weather will be like or the temperature. I'm still going with layers and I did consider vacuum packing the contents of my bag but short of taking a hoover with us, that plan is gonna fail pretty quick. Hmmmm... a bigger bag or give in an attempt to do some washing while we're away?

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