Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Oh, Dear Blip ......

rI rushed home at lunchtime, and logged on to see what you were saying.  I stumbled into a journal by Berelaxed, where I found a link to the forums talking about doing the Bliptogether thing tomorrow.  (Scroll down to the bottom of this page, click on Help, then on Questions, and then read all about how we can all post a picture tomorrow of ourselves with outstretched arms, so that we are holding hands all around the Blip-world). 

Made my mind up that I was going to do it.  Came home tonight, late, and switched on the laptop while I was doing the dishes.  Thought I'd take a picture of the last Blipcentral post as my entry for today; found the news Joe Tree has posted today, about how our much loved Blipfoto has been put into Receivership. 

I have read every single one of the 600+ comments Blippers have posted, and with the exception of one (Alfthomas) they are supportive, concerned, and caring. 

I'm so sorry; wish I could understand what happened.  Has Polaroid pulled the plug after persuading Joe and the crew to make investments that they can now no longer afford?  Or has Polaroid itself gone down the tubes? 

Whatever, this is my story: I am now a Blipper.  I'm not going anywhere else.  I'm not posting my life on any other medium.  If Blip goes down, I'm going off to do something else.  I'm not backing up, and I'm not doing 365 or anything else. 

I can't believe how much I would miss Blip, and more particularly, the Blippers I've been following.  I love my bliplife, and being able to see what you guys are up to, and what Spring looks like on another continent. 

I'm hanging on in here, and so hoping that the 'preferred bidder' can come up with the goods. Who do you think it is? Someone said Peter Jones - that would be good I think.

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