Graffiti 1776

These panels at St. Michael's church in Coxwold, North Yorkshire are not in their original place, there are signs that they have moved to a new and hidden location. Look carefully and you will see the date 1776 and also the name 'Cornelius Cayley'. He was a Methodist minister who was accused of ill conduct. Now that will set you off on the research trail I am sure. I can't imagine that Cornelius carved his own name on the panel but I can imagine him giving a very long sermon and some young bored scholar scratching away for several hours. Cornelius Cayley was no doubt a visiting speaker in the latter part of the 18th century.
The Reverend Laurence Sterne was at St. Michael's in the Eighteenth Century. He lived at Shandy Hall opposite the church and of course wrote 'The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman'. Shandy Hall is open to visitors.

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