A good day

Today I got it right and did get up early to take Tricia into school. I then went out into a remote area called Loch Portain and spent the next seven hours pottering around in the hills looking at various archaeological sites with no real route in mind. Good for once to go where the fancy takes you.
A huge variety of sites and many totally unrecorded. My favourite? I think it was the remains of  a deserted village with about fourteen buildings stretching over a kilometre near the shore. One can't imagine how hard it must have been scratching out a living from an unforgiving soil and climate  but on a day like today, I certainly envied the crofters their setting.
The mage is just south of this village looking towards the entrance of Lochmaddy harbour and you can see one of the three Madadhs - Madadh Beag - that gives Lochmaddy its name. The local Outdoor Centre use the cliff to abseil.
The evening was taken up with a St. Patrick's Day concert at Grogarry Lodge. The musicians were the youth from the Uist traditional music course so we got plenty of fiddle jigs and the like. I love the setting - a Victorian hunting lodge that has clearly seen better days but still has a warm shabby chic feel. Any building with a stuffed white Gyr Falcon can't be too bad - not that I am advocating going out to shoot one....
And then when we got home the Aurora Borealis was in full flow above the house. I said it was a good day!

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