
Today's the day .......................... to miss the boat

I passed this in town today and although I can't believe that I did - I swear I have never seen it before on my countless trips along the yard where it is to be found.

How could I not have seen those brilliant blue eyes and that masterful jaw.  I ADORE this man.  His singing makes me go weak at the knees.  He transports me to another world.  And it's absolutely no good telling me that I could have seen him in the live screening of Der Fliegende Hollander at 7.15pm on Tuesday, 24th February.  It's a lost opportunity - I've missed the boat.

Just as well then, that I'm going to help him celebrate his 50th birthday at 7.30pm on Tuesday 20 October at the Albert Hall (a wonderful Christmas present from Will) - because otherwise, I would be inconsolable .......................

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