
Today's the day ..................... to celebrate

Well we had to join in the fun, didn't we?!  And if that meant precariously balancing on a stone podium while Will set the camera going, rushed down the steps and leapt on to the other one - then so be it.

We were obviously happy to join in the celebrations that the future of blipfoto seems to be much more optimistic than it was a few days ago.  But there was something else that we joined others in celebrating today, which was tinged with a bit of inevitable sadness.

We had just returned from attending a Celebration of the Life of a very good friend of ours, Alan, who died last week.  The huge amount of people who were at the service was a sign of how highly he was regarded by everyone who knew him.  He was one of life's true gentlemen and we have many happy memories of times shared with him and his wife, Dorothy.

We shall miss him very much .........................    

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