Who will buy......

this body? this lens?.....this wonderful morning? 

It was a sad day today. I nipped into town and sold one of my lenses....needs must, I suppose. It was either the lens or my body....I knew I would get more for the lens.

I then went in every shop I could think of to try and buy a pair of solar eclipse glasses. No-one had any. No-one knew anyone who had them. Some of the people I asked didn't know there was to be an eclipse and some didn't know there were such things as eclipse glasses. One woman  suggested I used binoculars and another said sunglasses should be okay....methinks the Eye Hospital will be busy tomorrow!!! 

I then decided that I would buy a neutral density filter. I had a chat with the guy in the camera shop and he said that really I needed a solar filter but they didn't have any. The highest density filter they had cost £99.....I decided to give it a swerve. I wish I'd planned ahead as I could have got a solar filter from Amazon....sigh. 

It is Sue's birthday tomorrow and whilst I was in town I saw these super cool specs....how could I resist. Who couldn't be pleased to have these as a present? They will be perfect for when she goes on her cruise...I'm sure they are what every good cruiser wears! As she is off celebrating tomorrow I nipped into the teashop to wish her happy birthday. 

So...it is the solar eclipse tomorrow....I have no filter and no glasses. I'm disappointed to say the least. 

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