Saved by the Sun

It was an exciting morning....I decided to go for a walk in the woods and I ended up in a part I'd never been in before. There was an eeriness that hung in the air and the hairs on the back of my neck began to tingle...I knew I was being watched. As I walked forward I could hear the rustle of leaves around me, there was more than one person, of that I was certain. I didn't know which way to turn, then a twig snapped behind me. 

I whirled round and hands grabbed me from was textbook hunting. As I screamed a cacophony of birds echoed my shrieks and exploded from the trees around me, figures darted in and I was bundled backwards....there was nothing I could do. 

As we entered a clearing I was flung to the floor, gasping I tried to get up but was kicked back down again. My body seemed to wilt with fear. Strange men circled around me and began to chant. Thinking they were some sort of weird sect I shouted for help and screamed at them to leave me alone. My pleas fell on deaf ears, or more obviously ears that had never heard English before. It hit me like a pie in the face.....I had entered a land that time forgot, these people spoke no language I knew, they were dressed in skins and jiggled spears in my face as they howled and raised their faces to the sun.

The sun! Of course, the sun could be my saviour. I looked at my watch, (9:25am) the eeriness was the beginning of the eclipse, I'd forgotten all about it. My capturers were aware of the change in the light, they had noticed the silence of the birds and a mumbling of fear began to tremor through them. They didn't notice as I stood up.

I raised myself to my full height and roared a mighty roar and pointed at the sun, my timing perfect as the moon slipped between me and it. The men looked in horror at me and cowered to the ground. Ignoring my dodgy knee I hurdled the nearest one and ran for my life.....crashing through trees until at last I saw a bench, the path....the familiar part of Worsley Woods. I was back. I was safe. Thank God for eclipses!!!

It was cloudy this morning but with little breaks of blue peeping through every now and then I got to see the eclipse...hurrah! 

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