Ford Camper

It's rained all day long.  It was lighter in the morning and got heavier as the day went on.

Lat day off before I head back to work tomorrow.  I was hoping to get better weather but no luck.  I managed to get out with Sammy this morning and got fairly soaked.  After getting house chores done, I headed up to my sister Laura's for a chat and then off to Scalloway for an afternoon swimming. 
I have managed another walk with Sammy this evening and soaked again!  Think it's a quiet night in after that and put my feet up :)

While in Scalloway, I pass this old Ford camper and always strikes me but never gone down to take a photo of it, but today I did :)  It's been resting here for a long time now and blocks this old track road to stop fly tippers dumping old cars etc on the landowners ground.  Taken at Eastvoe, Scalloway.

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