Poster at CMS

Finally had the chance to have my photo taken with my poster today. Keynote speaker this afternoon during the conference was Michael Levitt, Nobel prize laureate in Chemistry. He was my second Nobel prize "sighting". The first one was Arieh Warshel, who apparently shares the Nobel prize award with Levitt. I witnessed Warshel's talk in Chile last October when i went for the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists Conference.
Levitt's talk was enjoyable. PLT was full packed with academics and wide-eyed students alike. He gave a good mix of personal life and science into his talk which made me really realize that amazing people in science like him is just human like everyone else. He shared a lot of words of wisdom during his talk but what struck me most was this...

"Take chances, but do not be TOO stupid."

So following his logic, you are allowed to be a little stupid at times :)

Thank God im in the right track! ;)

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