
By Croft16

Model Railway..

..up early this morning. Chores done, and tea made..
G's going down to Luton again visiting her mum. A road trip to Inverness, drop her off, do a bit of shopping and back home again. Sounds simple..

Shopping always takes longer than planned. Do the Morrison's shop, but before I do that, felt like popping into HMV. Not done a decent browse through a record (CD) shop for ages. My saturday afternoons as a kid were always spent in Gloucester, 3 or 4 record shops, searching for bargains and rarities.

Today I got 3 CDs by Traffic, after watching a video I'd downloaded ages ago last night. Never really listened to them much, but the video was superb.. Now to test the albums.. And got a Grateful Dead CD too, Blues for Allah. Another album I've never heard, and it's pretty good. Financial damage? £15.. Like that..

Also had a browse through a bookshop. Only thing I was possibly tempted by was the "released today" biography by Alex Salmond. I know a lot of people don't like him, but I can't understand why. Everytime I've heard him speak, it's with conviction, determination, and honesty. Wish the other "leaders" came over the same. Compo, Clegg, Balls and Farage have a lot to learn.

Then the Morrisons, Chicken feed, wood, sand and cement, Lidl shops, and on the way home again.

G had long since reached her destination..!

Stopped at Roggie Falls to give Tanni a good run, much better than chasing balls around supermarket car parks.

Stopped for a meal in Ullapool, crab claws and salad, I just adore crab..

Home and shopping unpacked, and put away. Shower, and watch a dvd I got in Blytheswood..

A hall meeting tomorrow with an achitect (3 pm), followed by a development company meeting with same architect at 4. Eggs, and a brief visit to the hotel. Camera club competition in Cromarty on Sat. A day to myself on Sun, and back to Inverness to pick G up again..

A quiet weekend to myself. Huh..

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