A Beach Wedding

We (my wife and I) were taking our neighbor out to the beach for a sunset picnic. It was warm (77F), but windy. And...getting ready in the parking lot...the bridesmaids. The men and the guests were waiting on the beach. On a Thursday night?

I took a few pictures, then I sprang into action. I ran to a nearby grocery store, and bought the cheapest loaf of bread I could find, and got back just as the ladies were coming down the "aisle." As the father was giving away his daughter, I was "crumbing" up the bread. I waited until the minister asked for the rings, and again I sprang.

I split the crowd, and starting throwing my bread into the air. The sound was deafening as the seagulls came racing in. One of the birds "let loose", of course nailing the lady in the little black dress. Another plastered the bride, but at least she was wearing white.

I heard one of the groomsman yell..."GET THAT GUY!", and three of them started after me. I threw the rest of the bread at them as I was running away, and the seagulls stormed them. Like a scene out of The Birds.

But, I had an exit plan in place. I ran straight for the ocean, knowing they wouldn't come in in their dress clothes. Luckily, I was right, but you should have heard some of the language that was tossed my way.

Actually, I was very discreet about snapping a few pictures, and then stepping back. I didn't take this picture until after the wedding was over. The violinist was in the process of putting his stuff away, and I asked him to play one more. For playing me his "encore", I'm going to send Anton a few pictures via e-mail.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/124969130@N06/sets/72157651033681759/ To see the bride, click above. Plus, you can see the ducks I helped rescue this morning. (They were trying to cross a 6 lane highway.) What are they thinking?

After a long day yesterday of being dizzy, I feel better tonight. I went to bed last night at 8:15 p.m., and slept for 12 hours!! I'm eventually going to back-blip a collage of Merrick at the seashore. 

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