There and back again

By Mikes


Back on the moor and up just after 7am to drive the 15 min trip to our normal morning walking spot. It had rained over night and the air this morning was intoxicating and Mrs M and I relished being back on the tops again. After our walk we did a trip around the block to see what was going on. Still lots of very small lambs so lambing not over here yet and also lots of foals. We found a small herd of ponies in a car park on the edge of the moor and we pulled up to take pictures but on getting out of the car, I was chased back in by a young stallion who was determined to protect his harem. After Mrs M had explained I was no threat he allowed me out to take photographs. (I am still not sure what Mrs M meant)

The weather changed to heavy showers later and we were happy to read the Sunday papers and vegetate until after lunch when I break in the clouds saw us off across the moor to Windy Post. The car park was full as usual but a short walk and we were alone again, except a few like minded souls. Again plenty of foals, it is not surprising that at the moment they are trying to inject ponies with a birth control drug.

We finished our walk having stopped a lovely young lady out riding, who when I asked if I could take her picture, readily agreed. Back in the car park we both had a 99 ice cream with a clotted cream topping. I know, I know but they are fantastic!!

Back to our base and found swifts sat in our porch with nesting material then a woodpecker came and sat on the birds feeder, WHAT IS TO BE THE BLIP?

Its the foals feeding from its mother of course. Softy old me.

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