There and back again

By Mikes

Wild woodland flowers

Well I am back at my Dartmoor base after an uneventful drive and a small shopping expedition. The last section of my journey from Bovey Tracy is along the Wray Valley and I think that its one of the most scenic ways to approach the moor.

We arrived a lunch time and No2 in line was already there with lunch awaiting, After lunch daughter No3 in line arrived with the grandchildren so our afternoon program was sort of planned out for us. It was 7pm before they left so we summoned our remaining energy and walked Jinxy through Wray Cleve woods which in the evening sunlight were lovely and the birds were still singing.

Again, there were so many opportunities for photograph but sometimes it is the simple shot that sums up the mood of the day and this evening it was the mass of multi colored wild flowers beside the path. I hope you approve.

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