Eclipsed the Eclipse?

My photos of the eclipse were rubbish - I was so busy watching it through my colander that I forgot to take a photo till it was nearly over.  (It didn't get very dark, compared with the 1999 one, but the birds did stop singing and it does have an eery feeling).  The stalwart emergency blip is of these flowers - I just noticed when prowling around for a blip that the colours were similar to my watercolour so there we have it.

I missed my lit class as I had to go back to the hospital to get the BP monitor removed - it took readings every half hour and they were high.  I'm expecting the consultant to get back to my GP to instruct that I must go on a higher dose of meds again.  What a pest as I thought I was sorted.

One thing that is sorted is travel insurance - we'll need lots of BIG trips away to make the high cost of it worthwhile is my creative accountancy take on it.  (though they did not seem to worried about me - it was Mr C's age, all the old man tablets he takes and the fact we want to ski, that bumped it up - just realised this might be construed in a way I do not intend - his meds are not wee blue Smarties).  We are packed and ready for skiing - we drive off at 1am for Manchester check in at 5am.  I don't think our hostel will have wifi or if it does it will keep crashing as all the school kids will be using it, so I might not be posting for over a week.  In the meantime, fingers crossed still for you blippers.

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