'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly


I was almost at Sainsbury's car park (Nick was picking me up half way from work) when I spotted this little guy sat on the wall ignoring everyone walking past. He kindly stuck around while I got my iPod out to get this for you as well =)

Exciting news but can't say just yet. Needless to say though that it's been a long time coming! (Nope, the baby isn't here yet, that news is a few weeks away yet)

Other news, I served Robert Webb at work this week I didn't think it was him, turned out it was. Had a mortifying realisation that he may have heard me say 'if it is him he hasn't aged well' so I'm hoping I was super quiet at that point. If I wasn't and he reads this, you're also a lot shorter than I imagined I'm very sorry and I'm sure your show at the Marlowe is fantastic =)

For some reason I can't put my photo on the map, it's only pinpointing where I am now so I can't even do that =/ oh well. If you know where Sainsbury's is in Canterbury then you're alright!

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