What a great day to celebrate my 50th birthday

After a bacon roll we headed for the point and surprisingly we were able to park. Only a few people there and we even got a bench to ourselves on the Rosemarkie side. We were able to see the sun through the clouds and through our special solar eclipse glasses and could see the moon passing in front of the sun taking big chunks out of it reminding me of Pacman.
As we were looking up a photographer came over and asked if he could take some photos. He was a freelance photographer for newspapers. A little while later a reporter came over to get our details so you might see us in The Herald tomorrow :)  I did mention Blipfoto as well :)
The cloud soon came over though completely covering the sun but it was still a good experience. The sky darkened, the temperature dropped and the wind picked up. There must have been enough sun as a rainbow spread across the sky between Fortrose and Rosemarkie. It must have been darker than I thought as many of my photos have that 'poor light ' effect. The lighthouse lights came on as did the street lights.
Back home and the clouds moved on and we were able to get clear views for the last half hour.
We had a delicious meal at Sutor Creek and then home for cards and pressies. A good way to the start off my 50's.

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