Small tortoiseshell butterfly ignores the eclipse

After being intrigued by the eclipse as I watched the light change across the landscape behind the house, I went to explore.  I wanted to go to Gloucester to stock up with fresh tofu and thought I would go to the river Severn to do a recce for tomorrow.  

Helena and I want to watch the renowned Severn bore early tomorrow morning as it is likely to be one of the biggest of the year.  We have seen it once before, some years ago, but that was in mid-summer, on my birthday in fact.  I thought I could look for another viewpoint so wandered about on the eastern bank of the river.  In the end The place I thought best turned out to be on the opposite side to where we watched it before, but getting there might be very tricky given the likely crowds.  So my advice to Helena just now was that we should return to the west bank and drive there via Gloucester which is a longer journey but at least we would see it.

I walked along the flood protection bank near Epney and spotted a small sheltered meadow area beside an old apple orchard where blossoms were already appearing.  As I stood looking at large bees  buzzing aboit and other similar insects I spotted this small tortoiseshell butterfly and tracked it.  I hoped to get a picture of it in flight so this is the best one I got, which I am quite pleased with considering I was filming from behind a fence.  The static shots were much sharper, but I liked this one of it having just taken off after feeding on this yellow flower, so it is my blip on a sunny Friday in March down by the river.  

You might also notice a tiny insect walking along one of the petals.

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